How Do I Negotiate Business Agreements

How Do I Negotiate Business Agreements

In the course of your career, you are likely to perform many duties that were not explicit in the job description at the time of hire. If you are an entrepreneur, you are probably quite familiar with the concept of wearing many hats in your business.  Negotiations...
What is a Legal Agreement?

What is a Legal Agreement?

The Legal Information Institute of Cornell University defines an agreement as a manifestation of mutual assent by two or more persons to one another. It is a meeting of the minds with a common intention, and it is achieved through offer and acceptance. Commonly...
How can you resolve an inheritance dispute?

How can you resolve an inheritance dispute?

Even with proper estate planning, disagreements can occur. In these cases, follow these best practices: Hire a mediator This neutral third party can help family members productively work through differences and typically costs less than a legal battle. Liquidate all...
How to avoid inheritance disputes

How to avoid inheritance disputes

Inheritance disputes can be time-consuming, expensive, and emotionally taxing on the surviving family. Fortunately, proper estate planning can help reduce and even prevent disputes from happening. How to avoid inheritance disputes Talk openly and honestly with family...
6 big causes of inheritance disputes

6 big causes of inheritance disputes

Several factors can lead to inheritance disputes, including: When there’s an inequality in the will An inheritance dispute can occur if a family member wasn’t included in the will or felt another member was favored over the others. This often happens among siblings if...